Portfolio update and thoughts.
An updated screenshot of my portfolio with some thoughts + debunking retail hysteria (as a Geologist).
It’s been a good month since my last portfolio write-up, here are the positives.
Timed uranium move with options trading for income nicely - 17.5% ROI (will help fund a week’s trip to beach city Mar del Plata, Argentina.)
On top of that, my (long-term) uranium names have surged with the whole sector.
Drilling is progressing well with the Argentine junior copper/gold explorers with compelling targets to drill test.
A rare earths explorer I’ve held for a long time continues to do some great Exploration Geology in difficult greenfields terrain.
Here are the negatives:
Offshore oil and gas play is tanking.
People are messaging me disappointed with a quarterly release from one of my heavily weighted junior explorers (I’ll debunk that, quick smart).
I’ll go through it all in this article, and show you an updated portfolio screenshot at cost.