Hi David, Iā€™d agree with most all of that as an Aussie who lived through it too.

The one bit Iā€™d suggest isnā€™t correct would be ā€œEveryone is still fully on board with ā€œstaying up to dateā€ with vaccinations despite all the dataā€¦ā€

From what Iā€™m seeing, it would be about 10% that is still conned and they are mostly the elderly. Pretty much anyone that you see swanning about with a mask outdoors, plus a few of their mates. šŸ˜‰

What I see instead of that is the majority known they were fooled, or felt they had no choice due to work requirements and regret their decision immensely.

We thankfully realised the psyop very early on and with 3 young kids, set about a plan B and C if lockdowns/mandates impacted us much as purely coincidental seachangers having moved to coastal, regional NSW 6 months before this broke out. We avoided any shots and even had gained a Government exemption to travel unvaxxed to my wifeā€™s homeland of Albania to continue schooling the kids. We had everything set when they did instigate a one month school closure where we live but thankfully, they dropped it after that and we didnā€™t end up going. Homeschooling 3 x 6yo boys isnā€™t as easy as you might imagine šŸ¤£

Itā€™s clearly a very sensitive subject to be a family amongst the <10% that completely avoided it and we have seen a ~600% rise to people we know that have been diagnosed with cancer in any other 2 year period. Ironically, those same people would not dream of it being vaxx related. We havenā€™t asked them, but you can just tell, they havenā€™t considered it at all.

The thing I am seeing however is friends that have realise they have fecked up, but do not want to be reminded or even offered treatments that the same clinicians that were proven right from day one. They were adamant on social media we all needed to ā€œdo whatā€™s right for the greater goodā€ and now seem theyā€™d rather bury their heads in the sand and accept their fate, than consider treatment of possibly reversing the damage the vaxx has inflicted upon them and their children. I suspect thatā€™s the hardest thing of allā€¦accepting that they got their kids vaxxed and now, their kids will know what they did, if they proceed with a weeks long treatment. Itā€™s quite bizarre but human nature never ceases to amaze me.

In summary, Iā€™d suggest 90% of people have to some extent realised it was BS. 20% of those know that it was sinister, not just an accidental overreaction. A ā€œpandemicā€. The question is, how many will be fooled into going through this again the next time they inevitably try it? I am guessing 30% but with the mainstream media mass influence, possibly a little more.

Interesting times indeed! And yes, we are surrounded by dumb fecking people. All we can do, is protect our family and seek to capitalise on the stupidity to make the protection more robust and sustainable for decades.

All the best.

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Hi Gambatte

Well said mate and thanks for sharing ā€“ let me tell you it is a breath of fresh air to hear people talking the way you blokes do, because I do not hear it in real life. I appreciate you sharing your views on the % you believe have realized that itā€™s BS, hopefully your figure of 90% realizing theyā€™ve had the wool pulled over their eyes is closer to the mark than what I believe.

I was basing my estimate off the comments section in one of the main Aussie papers on an article about RFK Jr ā€“ almost every single one of the 100s of comments wrote him off as a complete nutter and ā€œconspiracy theoristā€. Every one of those commenters seemed utterly oblivious to whatā€™s gone on since 2020 - maybe they are just part of the Boomer crowd who still trust the Government.

In fact I wrote a comment on the article myself which naturally was not allowed to be published, the Ministry of Truth deemed it too dangerous for public consumption. I fucking knew my comment was going to get rejected which is why I saved a copy of it, I may as well publish the fucker here so at least someone can read it haha:

ā€œ Interesting that you call RFK a "conspiracy theorist" and an "anti-vaxxer", I found his views on the covid vaccines to make fairly good sense.

For instance, arguing a longer time is needed for testing vaccines - indeed, most take 8 to 10 years to get through 3 stages of testing. This is to ensure that there are no long term side effects such as, say, myocarditis in young healthy males between 12-30 years old. Dr Anthony Fauci also said recommended this pre-2020, but has since changed his mind on that.

RFK Jr was also perplexed as to why Ivermectin was banned during the pandemic. The TGA banned this anti-viral drug on 10 September 2021 despite:

- the drug being on the WHO essential medicines list,

- the inventors of the drug winning the Nobel Peace Prize for its' discovery and

- having been dosed safely over 4 billion times since its' discovery in the 1980s.

Uttar Pradesh in India, for instance, reduced their covid cases remarkably by distributing care packages of Vitamin D and Ivermectin to its' population - two drugs that are not patented and cost cents on the dollar to produce.

Instead the TGA rushed through approval of another anti-viral, Remdesivir, which appears to have some quite nasty side-effects.

It would be nice if people could one day grapple with these issues instead of writing people off as "anti-vaxxers" and "conspiracy theorists". ā€œ

Not sure what part of the above is controversial or dangerous, but as I say ā€“ it didnā€™t surprise me in the least that the comment was not allowed to see the light of day.

It seems every fucking institution in Australia is complicit in the cover up ā€“ Government, courts, mainstream media, the Human Rights Commission (whoā€™s silence on human rights abuse during COVID is deafening), Department of Health, TGA, theyā€™re all running cover and they will all get away with it as well.

You mention the ~600% rise in cancer detection. That showed up in excess deaths in Australia in late 2021 (around the time of forced vaccinations), Senator Gerard Rennick tried to hold the ABS to account because they had been fudging the figures, and blaming the excess deaths on covid. He was stonewalled there, and was also basically laughed out of Parliament when he suggested that we hold an inquiry into the whole COVID fiasco.

I personally know of a mother of two young boys who necked herself during the Victorian lockdowns, sheā€™s not coming back; I ended up taking 2x Pfizer jabs to keep my job, and now have atrial fibrillation for my trouble which will require surgery ā€“ many have been affected much worse than me though.

It must be a coping strategy for people to put the whole sorry saga down the memory hole and try to forget about it.

I am still fucking fuming about it as you can probably tell, the least we could do as a society is acknowledge the harms that were caused and make sure it doesnā€™t happen next time around. For me this is a festering wound that will not go away,

It aint going to happen though, I would be joining you guys and getting the fuck out of Australia if it wasnā€™t for my missus and kids here in Australia. But I applaud you guys for making moves to Albania/Argentina respectively.

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Hi David, hats off to you for posting one of the most impressive posts Iā€™ve seen on Substack. Well done sir.

A few comments and a clarification:

1) Sorry you got the shots. I know many who had no choice if they wanted to keep their job. If I hadnā€™t semi-retired and moved regionally with our ~5yo kids at the time, 6mths before the ā€œpLandemicā€, I may have felt forced to get it also. With male egos what they are, I may have done it just so my wife would know I would do anything for the kids. šŸ„“ I know the company I worked for pushed it very HARD.

2) the flak you saw on MSM on RFK Jr , I suspect, would have been primarily bots. Now that heā€™s joined with Trump, the Democrat hate machine has gone into turbo from the already ridiculous level it was at when he called out the vaxx. Of course the ALP has been suspiciously all in since day one, including QLD being amongst the first (in the world) to ban HCQ and IVM from memory.

3) I you havenā€™t read RFK Jrs book ā€œThe Real Anthony Fauciā€, itā€™s a MUST read. We read it shortly after it came out and it is mind blowing. We already had formed our position (courtesy mainly of the world leading and absolutely fearless clinicians at FLCCC.net) https://www.thenile.com.au/books/robert-f-kennedy-jr/the-real-anthony-fauci/9781510766808

4) I managed to get our family Doctor to prescribe IVM to me in NSW about 2mths before the TGA banned it. She pretended she didnā€™t know what it was and tried to avoid it but she did it.

You are spot on about all the goodness of it. Itā€™s a true wonder drug and considered by those that matter to be # 2 most important drug ever, behind penicillin.

We have been getting IVM (to us in Australia) from India ever since. With our 3 little kids, we took them to Asia/Europe in April of this year for 2mths. We took one IVM tablet each ~3 days as a preventative and vitamin D almost daily. Between our family of five, 14 flights, trains, cabs, 10 different countries and NOT a single cough or sniffle from any of us!! Our kids were born extreme preemies 9 years ago and so their lungs have had some issues over that time and regularly catch the flu in Oz without this simple preventative. It was amazing!!! Most of their Albanian cousins had recent or current flus and they were fine.

Iā€™ve just returned to Oz tonight after travelling to Santiago and Buenos Aires for ~8 nights. Part of the reason for the trip was to see if BA under Milei would be a Plan C option if the ALP look like pulling some more vaxx BS in the future. Very cool place!! Incidentally, I took IVM over there (with Vit. D) and had it every 3 days and no hint of getting sick either.

5) We didnā€™t end up moving to Albania, but we got the exemption and had every other box ticked (storage, plans to sell vehicles, tentative acceptance into a great school in Tirana for all 3 etc.) You may recall they had banned anyone who wasnā€™t vaxxed from leaving the country. We got the formal exemption approved just days after the letter I sent them explaining the availability of in person schooling in Albania vs the first month of what may have been extensive school shutdowns in regional NSW. Thankfully, they opened back up where we live after one month so we stayed here.

Interestingly, many of my wifeā€™s relatives in Albania got fake vax certificates. It was a huge business over there and one of her Doctor relos claimed she paid for her new home with the money from it. šŸ¤Ŗ

Thatā€™s a long winded ā€œclarificationā€ David but bravo to you for seeing through the BS. The MSM is riddled with bots to get us to believe the narrative. ā€œXā€ is where I get all my news from these days. God bless Elon! Heā€™s the only tech mogul putting it all on the line for free speech!

Keep well! šŸ‘Š

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Hi Gambatte

Good to hear mate, it sounds like you have really looked after yourself and your family through this madness.

To answer your questions: I have been importing Ivermectin from India, and I have read The Real Anthony Fauci ā€“ powerful book to say the least.

The Ivermectin banning in Australia is really the tip of the spear in my opinion, all the corruption was laid bare for all to see (if anyone cared to look).

Australia also approved Remdesivir, an anti-viral that does a similar thing to Ivermectin ā€“ but with an unproven safety profile and which can be toxic to the liver. My jaw dropped in 2021 when I researched all this. I still have the TGA document saved on my computer outlining the reasons they banned this wonder drug in Australia:

1. People may take Ivermectin INSTEAD of taking the mRNA vaccine and put themselves or the people around them at risk.

(Maybe take Ivermectin AND the vaccine? Assuming both are safe and effective of course - and only one of those two medical interventions has been proven to be safe.)

2. People may read conspiracy theories on the internet and take 100x the recommended dose of the drug.

(Take the correct dosage under medical supervision, or maybe do a bit of basic research?)

3. Remote Indigenous communities may run out of the drug because conspiracy theorists are using too much of the drug.

(Produce more of the drug then - it is off patent and, as you know, it can easily be imported from India).

It is an outrage that no-one has been held to account for this.

As you would have read in the RFK book, Fauci should be in jail for the AZT scandal in the '80s - so the medical corruption seems to have been happening for a long time. Sadly, that's the world we're living in and there does not seem to be any justice for these people.

Anyway I could go on, but I am clearly preaching to the converted here. I greatly appreciate you sharing all that mate, and I hope you keep your head on a swivel, continue to protect your family and loved ones, and keep researching Plan B, Plan C etc.



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Agreed David. Fauci is pure evil. As is Bill Gates and I was sure that wasnā€™t the case only a few years ago.


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Aug 30Liked by Jordan šŸ‡¦šŸ‡ŗ

Very well said mate. It sounds like we have gone down a similar path since 2020.

I was initially drawn to the "tin foil hat" crew when I was trying to make sense of the response to covid.

I couldn't understand the views of the average person in Australia (and it still doesn't make sense to me) - people absolutely lost their minds over a virus with an IFR of 0.2% (i.e. killing 2 in 1000 people) and an average age of death of 85.

I feel very at odds with the views of the average Aussie to this day, it honestly feels like I am living in an alternate reality...how can people be so stupid!? Everyone is still fully on board with staying "up to date" with vaccinations despite all the data coming out on myocarditis in males aged 12-30, and they do not question whether the vaccine even works. I mean, how can you tell when you still get covid after being vaccinated?

To highlight the absurdity of traditional vaccines vs the mRNA gene therapy: do we take a 6 monthly Polio booster vaccine, and yet STILL get Polio? "But it's only a mild case of Polio, so that's how we know the vaccine works". Absurd.

People are either a lot stupider than I thought, or a lot more easily manipulated. Anyway, that isn't going to change anytime soon.

As I say, trying to make sense of people's behaviour during the last 4 years pushed me into the "tin foil hat" space, but that comes with its own risks. A lot of these types are caught in their own echo chambers, and either fall into their own cognitive biases or deliberately create extreme content for clicks.

I think that's really solid advice you give: have no messiahs, think critically and with nuance, look after your family, focus on your health. Also a good idea to completely avoid mainstream media IMO, haven't watched it for 2.5 years personally.

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Sep 18Liked by Jordan šŸ‡¦šŸ‡ŗ

It's so nice and refreshing to hear such a mindset from another fellow Australian. I didn't think any exited to he honest šŸ˜†

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Thanks David. That's a very good summary of exactly how I see it. šŸ¤

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The West has lost its way. Perhaps is just part of the natural cycle of good times / hard times. Here in the USA it looks like the country will split within a decade or so. There's simply no way for the left woke control freak coalition of the fringes to think they'll be able to push around the hard core freedom types in other parts of the country. The question seems to be will it be a hot or cold split.

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Aug 27Liked by Jordan šŸ‡¦šŸ‡ŗ

Bring back Mick Dundee. Only he can save Australia.

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Aug 26Liked by Jordan šŸ‡¦šŸ‡ŗ

I honestly believe if Trump doesnā€™t win this election against what will be mass voter fraud on steroids, we are all doomed. Look at the UK at the momentā€¦sheesh Kier has wasted zero time in being a world class tyrant. Curiously, heā€™s already trotted out the ā€œIā€™ll be here for a decade to fix this country lineā€ that Albo, said pretty much verbatim. Hmmm has the WEF whispered something to them both?

Iā€™ve enjoyed this trip to Santiago/Buenos Aires but it reminds me so clearly that we canā€™t let our country fall. Trump is key to sanity returningā€¦Elonā€™s poll shows 76/24 to Trump and the MSM insists its neck and neck (including our appalling ABC). All just to try and convince us all its artificially close so they can steal

It again like 2020 in the 5 swing states.

Keep well Jordan. Nothing wrong with a little ā€œtin foil hat ā€œ action in these times. I am finding them far more believable than the dark left. šŸ‘Š

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Great point, mate. As much as I talk up Argentina, it only takes a trip outside of Australia to realise we are the lucky country, built on capitalist foundations. To see the public and politicians shift their mindset to refusing to honor (or forgetting) the good of the past, moving toward slowly destructive policies, and almost unwinding everything thatā€™s great about Australia is the biggest concern.

A bit of tin foil is good, I agree, but with an understanding of how content farming works and that the internet is not real life (Chris Williamsonā€™s post sums it up well), my algorithm can be quite concerning sometimes. šŸ¤

See you tomorrow, mate.

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Aug 26Liked by Jordan šŸ‡¦šŸ‡ŗ

No doubt you also get labelled as being far right for this opinion. At least that seems to be the media strategy for reporting on non-conformist views in the UK.

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Aug 26Liked by Jordan šŸ‡¦šŸ‡ŗ

Nice mate - I bet it felt good to get that one down on paper šŸ‘ Obviously relate 100% to pretty much everything.

I am guilty of creating my own echo chamber too, and getting sucked into it.

As Joe Rogan always says, I am a man without an island...

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Exactly, man without an island is where you want to be these days.

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Aug 26Liked by Jordan šŸ‡¦šŸ‡ŗ

I know that Twitter/X is essential for your work, but for me deleting Twitter/X (right after the Trump shooting) was one of the best things Iā€™ve done for myself. People are too wrapped up in the ā€œtinfoil hatā€ garbage promulgated by the various social media platforms to just trust their own senses and intuition when it comes to engaging with the world around them.

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Aug 26Liked by Jordan šŸ‡¦šŸ‡ŗ

Funny Adam, when I first came to Latin America nearly 1 year ago, I followed a bunch of 'LatAm' X accounts - Short story but since then I have met up in person with three of them (a while ago now), and they all (IMO) were a mixture of strange, arrogant losers in person šŸ˜… the opposite of what they portray in their online personas. Although maybe that's because I am the weird one šŸ¤“

It seems Doomberg front ran us all in migrating from X to Substack a while ago now..

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Speaking of meeting upā€¦ just recently caught your blog post about Guadalajara. Let me know when youā€™re back there if youā€™d like to meet up. I jump over there fairly often from Vallarta.

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For sure! Would be great, back in CDMX now while my gf looks for work... But if im back Jalisco way I'll let you know.

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Also the accountability aspect is way more prevalent on Substack compared to Twitter where people love to say outrageous things hiding behind anonymity.

I honestly think lack of accountability is sending that app down the toilet and itā€™s one thing I agree with Jordan Peterson who has also said that.

That Chris Williamson tweet I posted above - the internet isnā€™t real life hits the spot!

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Agreed with both you and Tom. Saying outrageous things online (or in real life) isnā€™t my style.

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Exactly. šŸ¤

And a great decision by you in my book. There are big pros and cons to the Twitter audience, and it was great around the COVID time, but I look at it for what it is now.

I place very little emphasis what I read there & think it has become full of clout addicts and really bad values and advice for people in general.

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It is literally just clout chasing hey, por exemplo how accounts will comment one word on your posts just for clicks etc

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For anyone reading, this is what I was trying to get at:


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Aug 26Liked by Jordan šŸ‡¦šŸ‡ŗ

Not all hope for Australia is lost. I've watched quite a bit of Sky News Australia on YouTube...and man, the things the hosts are allowed to say on there (i.e. - the truth!), I have never heard said on any news network in the USA or Canada.

"Lefties Losing It" with Sky News host Rita Panahi is particularly enjoyable. šŸ˜„

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Aug 26Liked by Jordan šŸ‡¦šŸ‡ŗ

Another account worth following (that also has a tiny minority unfortunately) is The Other Side Australia - A Libertarian news account. It's basically the only thing I can stomach watching these days. I think they are struggling with keeping themselves afloat though!


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Sky News is such a small minority unfortunately mate, like not even a blimp on a radar.

Our two party political system confirms this.

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Aug 26Liked by Jordan šŸ‡¦šŸ‡ŗ

Oh. I thought this was one of your major news networks and was like:

"Wow, this is MSM in Australia? Impressive."

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Aug 26Liked by Jordan šŸ‡¦šŸ‡ŗ

You could replace every mention of Australia with Canada in your post, and it would still hold true.

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Aug 26Liked by Jordan šŸ‡¦šŸ‡ŗ

Indeed. Germany too. The West is lost. And its getting worse day by day as globalists arent stopping their Agenda.

Feeling like a hostage.

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Yeh, I imagine it's worse, the West in general...

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