Aug 16, 2023Liked by Jordan 🇦🇺

Love reading these blogs/post very informative! After reading you’re post I’ve taken the time to learn about cash secured puts & covered calls. I used to look at options as something for wall st but this has totally changed my opinion. Thankyou keep up the great work 😁

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Awesome mate! it can definitely work for the average punter.

Appreciate the feedback and if you have any question don't be afraid to reach out.

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Jul 29, 2023Liked by Jordan 🇦🇺

Hi mate, Great to read these. Could you recommend any good study guide for Candlestick interp? I am trying to get my head around all the patterns and what they mean ! Many thanks

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Mate, while I’ll recognise the importance, I’m not much of a chartist myself. Check out Andy at finding value finance YouTube for some great technical analysis.

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Jul 30, 2023Liked by Jordan 🇦🇺

Thanks mate ..... Will do.

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More helpful information. I’m very new, on video 3 of the options alpha course either you or Ferg linked.

I have a ton of TELL (natgas) and it seems to fit the bill for your strategy.

I agree as well - I’ve mentioned my energy investing to co-workers (who have suggested their own ideas) and they are completely disinterested and willing to play w crypto and things like Tesla.

It’s a nice uncrowded place to in my opinion.

You’ve a good thing going here.

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Thanks Douglas. It’s such a niche sector/trade and only getting worse as MSM demonise, and more and more investors turn away, until they don’t. Great for us as we take full advantage of this. Thank for reading and if you have any questions with options trading don’t hesitate to ask.

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Thank you Jordan - I appreciate that.

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Thanks for reading Bob, it’s a Substack if you want to see his trades I think.

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Jul 29, 2023Liked by Jordan 🇦🇺

Are you saying Ferg offers an options service? I follow Ferg on Twitter and I haven't seen him post options trades (maybe I missed it)? Or is it a pay Substack service? Great article btw!

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