Would love a "how it started"...meme 5 years on for the geologist telling his more senior colleagues to put on the mask around the remote campfire. If he hasn't got pronouns on his LinkedIn page, I'm not here ; )

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Good take Jordan.

I am hoping they discuss this article on the podcast too.

Push back required

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Mar 18Liked by Jordan 🇦🇺

Nice read. Reminds me of working in Melbourne on major projects with social inclusion, diversity in work force. The most woke and slanderous to production and hard work is the CFMEU

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Agree there.

Thanks for reading. 🍻

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Mar 18Liked by Jordan 🇦🇺

The campfire story lmaooooo. “Reading the room” appears to be one skill that universities haven’t instilled in their new (woke) graduates.

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Haha it's one of my favourite drillers stories, drillers are the funniest lads.

Great point about the "read the room" vibe. It's all about me and how I feel & expressing my fragile feelings to other now days.

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Mar 18Liked by Jordan 🇦🇺

For sure, same on my sites with the piledrivers and the jack & bore crews

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Mar 18Liked by Jordan 🇦🇺

God after reading this I think I will burn the boats properly so I CAN'T go back to working in the Australian Mining industry....

Like TraderFerg says; Burn the boats then you're forced to figure sh*t out...

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Nothing would make you work harder.

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Mar 18Liked by Jordan 🇦🇺

Great article and vey funny comment about the drillers throwing the masks on the fire. I also fear a little to the day when the woke will have positions of power.

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Thanks Mariano. We need a reset starting in the universities.

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Mar 18Liked by Jordan 🇦🇺

Much less of that BS has infiltrated to upstream oil and gas so far…it’s nice being back offshore after working for a year and a half at a minesite very similar to what you describe Jordan. Thankfully there’s no propaganda rainbow brochures cluttering the notice boards out here…just respect for your fellow workers based on how hard they work. I think the tide will flow out on all of that crap long before it becomes a force to be reckoned with on an offshore oil rig…here’s hoping anyway!! Like anything, when people push too far, common sense starts to reign supreme again. My gut feeling is that the wokeness has reached its peak and it has messed up the world so much that common sense will eventually win out. The world has become more divided than ever because of it and the younger generations have become less educated, less willing to do a hard day’s work, less likely to exercise hard, less likely to cook and eat old fashioned home-cooked meals, and less financial because of their sense of entitlement at having everything they want NOW…on credit…with no savings and no investment know-how for building a successful future upon. 🤦‍♀️

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Interesting, thanks for the comment Amanda, I always value your insights! Good to know about offshore although I can imagine the head offices are painful.

Couldn't agree more with everything you said here!

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Mar 18Liked by Jordan 🇦🇺


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